Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Years!

As I sit here typing this Meeko is sitting on the chair across the room staring at me with demon eyes very intently as if I must be up to something no good. The demon eyes are probably from the glow of the laptop in the dark, but considering that my cat is crazy I wouldn't put anything past him.

Anyways... I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and is ready to ring in the New Year. It's coming whether you like it or not (I'm not quite sure what camp I'm in as I'm still trying to figure out what happened to twenty-twelve....). Currently though I am planning on staying home with fancy appetizers and fancy wine to ring in the new year low key. While I'm sure that going out and partying the night away is great fun, large groups of people freak me out and New Years Eve is definitely one of the worst nights for large groups of people to gather.

Not to mention the fact that Christmas is always right before New Years and always involves atleast 4 large family gatherings (this year it was 6), so by the time I get to New Years, I'm pretty much done with people.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by people? What are your New Years plans, and the ever encouraging (at least for the first three months :) ) resolutions?

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday Check-in

I've decided on Fridays I'm going to start doing a weekly wrap-up and check-in to help keep myself accountable and to give myself a place to talk about random things that happened during the week that don't necessarily need their own post.

This week I started strong on Wednesday getting a blog up and then working on my novel in the evening. I was able to write another 150 words. Something surprising I found was that I slept a lot better than I had in a while after spending the last part of my evening writing instead of watching television, which is something I may have to think about more.

Thursday I slacked off a little because my inlaws came into town and we spent both my lunch hour and then the entire evening with them. After getting up and going into work early yesterday, I just didn't have it in me to work on either when we got home last night. I still followed through this morning though, so I'll forgive myself for missing day 2. :)

Today the hubby and I are heading downtown to hang with the inlaws so I'm getting my post and writing done this morning. Hope everyone enjoys their day.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A New Year, A New Beginning

I don't know how 2012 is already almost at a close, but I feel like time is just flying by. I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. I also enjoyed celebrating our anniversary with my hubby. We are 1 yr married, 9 yrs together this December.

Now that we are coming to the end of December has everyone started thinking about New Year's resolutions? I'm not normally a resolution person, but this year have decided that I will give in a make a small list.

# 1: To work out a new exercise routine. I've and sick and burnout for the last few months so my work outs have kind of been all over the place.
#2: To spend at least 15 minutes a day working on this blog and on the novel that was the whole reason for this blog in the first place.  The hubby was awesome and bought me this cool writing book and Scrivner (like Word from writers) for Christmas.
#3: To work on my etsy/retail stores weekly, by either updating products, evaluating pricing or whatever else needs to be done. If I want to be able to run a soap making business I need to really devote some time to it.

Anyways, that is all I have for today. I hope every one is enjoying themselves this holiday season and I will be back on Friday. :)